If burial is your preferred option, your main decision is which cemetery or churchyard to choose. Please be aware that not all cemeteries and churchyards in our local area have room for further burials.
Please contact us if you would like more information on our burial services, or about a specific cemetery or churchyard.
Local Authority Cemeteries
There are a number of Local Authority Cemeteries in our local area that offer burial services. The availability of grave spaces is regulated by the Council who run the cemetery, and they all operate a resident/ non-resident system of charging for the purchase of a grave and the cost of opening a grave. Typically, fees for non-residents of the council area – whether it be a parish, district or borough, are charged double the fees paid by residents, although in some cases the differential is higher.
When arranging a burial in an existing grave, we need to establish the current owner of the grave – either by production of the Grave Deed or a search of cemetery records. Some Local Authorities insist that, where the grave owner is deceased, the grave is transferred into the ownership of the person arranging the funeral.
Your Funeral Arranger can advise you of the procedures required.
There are still a number of Churchyards within our area where burial services can take place.
The regulations relating to Churchyards differ from Local Authority Cemeteries, and are governed by the Church of England Diocese for the area. Due to lack of available space, availability of new plots in most Churchyards are only available to residents of the parish.
Woodland Burial Grounds
There are a number of Woodland burial grounds throughout the area – some of which are privately owned and managed, whilst others form part of a traditional Local Authority cemetery.
For more information about Woodland Burials, speak to your Funeral Arranger.
Religious funerals
Non-religious funerals
Eco funerals
Bespoke and themed funerals
Wakes and Receptions